Social Entrepreneurship: The Next Right Thing – Amel Consulting

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Social Entrepreneurship: The Next Right Thing

The world today and I talk specifically in the Indian context, is blossoming with Social Enterprises. The key focus of these enterprises is to make a difference, create an impact in a manner that improves the quality of life, the quality of environment which is actually leading to a Better country and a Better world.

The success of these businesses is measured not only by their P & L statement but also by the acceptance they get from the consumers and society as a whole. More importantly, by the impact that they have created, number of lives they have touched and the enormity of the social or environmental issues that they have been trying to address.

Zero Waste Eco Store, Amsuweaves, The Bartan Co.,, Vistaraku, Rainwater project, Pipal Tree, Frontier Markets are few such names which are making a difference in various domains.

The number of lives they have touched and the scale of impact these companies have generated has not only helped people earn livelihood but also done good for the environment. 

But What is the difference between a Social Enterprise and a regular business. Well there are many and actually none.

The way a business is run is the way a business is run, whatever may be the product or a service. This is one thing that Social Enterprises have to keep reminding themselves. There is always a battle between heart and head.

Today when the world is talking about ESG and policies are being built around it, when submitting the BRSR (Business responsibility Sustainability report) is soon becoming a mandate, organizations/busineses are forced to think beyond profit maximisation.
The contours of Balance sheet is changing right from capex to workex to account for expenses under the head of ESG.

Investment dynamics are forced to change, with India’s climate pledge at COP26 in Glasgow to aggressively bring down its carbon emissions. They have to find that balance between mind and heart.

But easier said than done. In our journey of understanding these businesses, and helping them out, this is one bottleneck that we have seen, faced by all. But then I think it comes with the package. The road to make an impact on sustainability in a sustainable way is not that easy.

Through our series of upcoming blogs and vlogs, we intend to share journeys of various social enterprises, get insights of how they are running the Business, their challenges, the impact they are creating, joyous moments and more importantly create awareness about those businesses. Each one of them is a story of grit, empathy & thoughtfulness. The World needs more of such and we at Amel are the catalyst for the ecosystem for social enterprises to grow, we Hope to inspire others to take the trodden path. Stay Tuned!!!


Urvashi Baid

Marketing & Communication Professional. With inbuilt flair for building businesses, has Expertise in Strategising, Building Brands & Go-to-Market Strategy. Mentoring Leadership Positions, Entrepreneur with Diverse Experience.

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N Sridhar
N Sridhar
2 years ago

Very well covered. Looking forward to the write ups on the journeys undertaken by Social Entrepreneurs.

2 years ago

Interesting and insightful!

Rajesh Ramamurthy
Rajesh Ramamurthy
2 years ago

Sustaining ones business while working towards making our world more socially and environmentally sustainable is indeed a tight rope walk. Looking forward to reading examples of real life success stories.

Amit Ranade
Amit Ranade
2 years ago

What concerns me is the awareness that needs to be built around this… With the fast paced life its going to be even more critical in the coming times

2 years ago

Such an insightful post and a very relevant topic on social enterprise which is a buzz word everywhere. Look forward to read more in this series.

S Ranganathan
S Ranganathan
2 years ago

Though there is a corporate Governance report it is skewed towards shareholders and few stake holders and does not address the environment and other social responsibilities. 
The spending on corporate social responsibility is biased towards few projects. The govt does not give tax deduction for this spend. In fact they should give a weighted deduction and enlarge the list of projects. 
Also Indian consumer wants to get items cheap and entrepreneurs are forced to cut costs and indirectly compromise on Social responsibilities. 
Corruption from lowest level to upto top judiciary Enables people to escape. 
Companies which are large and get good profits only can implement corporate social responsibility. Excess profits also leads to exploitation of customers. While your suggestion are welcome, an awareness has to be created by women folk and NGOS. Govt must extend tax on these spends.The state Govts must support. In India welfare has become politics and aims at winning the next election. Planning is absent and is short term. 
It will take to years to implement what you intend. Let us create awareness first and touch the fringe. The benefit will start dripping.

Subhash Popli
Subhash Popli
2 years ago
Reply to  S Ranganathan

Great. Well written blog. Great keep it up

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